
Since 2011, Salts of the Himalayas has supplied us at "Lana" with premium grade highly mineralised pink salt. As the main component of mineral supplement, and with the occasional use of bi-pass protein in very dry conditions, we don't need to use any other commercial animal licks in our large cattle/sheep/superfine wool enterprises.

With Himalayan Salt, we can stick to our grazing plan, adjusting our enterprise to suit our environment - throughout most conditions.

The 84 minerals and trace elements are fundamentally pure and natural. By satisfying the nutritional needs of the gut, we observed a decrease in the volume of pasture consumed. This has enabled us to increase our carrying capacity. 

Himalayan salt is an electrolyte and supports animal vitality. Livestock self-regulate its intake, adjusting when protein levels in the paddock change seasonally; and when lactating; and in extremes of temperature.

We have noticed benefits such as higher conception rates, and reduced retention of afterbirth in breeding livestock, largely due to a higher percentage of calcium, magnesium and selenium in the Himalayan Salt.

The hides of our cattle shine, and the fine wool is softer in handle. After supporting the stock's nutritional needs at a biocellular level, excess minerals and trace elements are excreted. We highly value the excreted minerals for soil and pasture health.

As a part of the grazing plan approach at Lana, over a very long term, Himalayan Salt has shown to improve soil and mineral availability.

(Tim is one of the featured farmers in "Call of the Reed Warbler" Charles Massey)

Tim Wright

Farmer from Coonabarabran, Central West NSW

I have found the himalayan salt animal blocks have improved my joining percentage up to 30% when grazing oats pasture over the last 5 years.

We noticed considerable difference in our heifers as joining percentages were alyways average but now are exceptional in my view. I try to feed the himalayan salt all year round and as seasons change through dry and wet time.The stock have access all year round to the salt as the weather doesn't affect it.

Try it!

Scott Pickette

The first tonne has almost gone and have given samples to a couple of neighbours which want a bit more, so send me an invoice for 2 tonne please. I am feeding every day and would get the usual mad rush when I went into paddock. But just one week after putting Himalayan rock salt out the sheep were much less ravenous, more calm and stood back and waited for me to move on, even leaving some grain. The at point of lamb ewes are consuming the most.

Colin Harper

We have been using Himalayan salt blocks for the last 5 years. Living on the Northern Tablelands our sodium soil levels are very low. Our animals thrive on the sodium and minerals included in the Himalayan salt blocks, and the results can be  seen in their contentment. Thank you Locke for providing such a great product.


Bar and Mike & Tom Mulligan

We have been using the himalayan salt since March 2011 and find it to be a valuable supplement for our livestock. During drier times it provides a boost to the animals especially pregnant/lactating heifers, cows and ewes. They find the salt very beneficial.

We use it in our cooking and salt grinder and enjoy the flavour and health benefits that it has.

Terry and Sue McGoldrick

After 50 years of running cattle on a small property at Watsons Creek near Tamworth our job has been much easier by implementing a managed grazing system and the use of Himalayan salt. The salt is easily moved to a new paddock every few days, it does not deteriorate in wet weather and it does not contain urea. Having different animal species to feed is overcome by using himalayan salt.

Our salt costs have been reduced by over 50% by purchasing Himalayan salt. It is very economical, as half a tonne was thought to last 30 cattle plus pets for 6 months. It lasted 16 months. Early calving puts pressure on the shorthorn cows but with the use of the salt the newborn calves are born with a glossy coat and loads of energy.

In the past pink eye was a significant problem, however since introducing Himalayan salt and number 4 TNN mineral blocks there were no cases of pink eye in the 2011/2012 summer season.

The animals manure spreads the salt minerals around the paddocks-this is an added bonus. We are more than satisfied with the change to Himalayan salt.

Radi Tintner

We are on our third tonne pallet of Himalayan Salt. Our cattle have stopped chasing minerals by chewing bark and in general seem to be utilizing the pastures more effectively. During late winter their coats have a bloom to them and when the Spring flush is on I am no longer concerned about bloat. The stock have constant access to the salt so there is no gorging. Finally we use it, in the ground form in the kitchen. We all need minerals!

James Barnet

Our 4000 acre property is on native marginal pasture and thus the sheep and cattle require supplements. We have just ordered our second tonne of Himalayan Rock Salt. We bought no traditional mineral blocks last season. We have found the salt easy to use, requiring no special attention. The stock like it, look good on it and we have no hesitation in recommending it. 

Arrk Pastoral Watsons Ck NSW

Kim and Russell Jenkins